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Mangrove Jack's

Mangrove Jack's Craft Series Empire Ale M15 Yeast Sachet 10g

Regular price £4.29 GBP
Regular price £4.69 GBP Sale price £4.29 GBP
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This M15 Empire Ale yeast is a top fermenting ale yeast suitable for a variety of full bodied ales with exceptional depth. Ferments with full, rich dark fruit flavours. Suitable for Scottish Heavy Ales, American Amber Ales, Sweet Stouts and more.

Flavour / Mouthfeel Characteristics: This yeast strain has been carefully selected to aid mouthfeel in the finished beer. It produces a full bodied beer with a rich dark fruit character and care should be taken when designing the beer to adjust hop bitterness to alleviate an over sweet finish.

Aroma Characteristics: When fermented at the correct temperature this yeast exhibits extremely characterful and appetising estery aromas reminiscent of rich dark fruit.

Higher Alcohol Beers: Higher alcohol beers will tend to be slightly too sweet and heavy when this yeast is used due to the moderate attenuative capabilities of this strain although a lower mash temperature may help the fermentability and lower the final gravity.